Hypnosis is a completely safe and natural state that along with the input of a properly trained therapist can create positive changes in a person's mental, emotional and physical state. For example, hypnotherapy sessions for anxiety will help you feel less anxious. It cannot make you do anything you would not want to do or which you would object to. You cannot get "stuck" in hypnosis – you can leave whenever you wish to.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind brought about by the use of various techniques. It enhances an individual's concentration and increases their responsiveness to suggestion in order to make the beneficial changes that an individual may wish to make in their thought patterns, their behaviours or their physiological state. I am committed to being the best hypnotherapist and counsellor I can possibly be and, as such, I aim to empower my clients to make positive changes in their lives. I work on the understanding that each client is the expert on their own life and I will pay attention to, accept & respect them as individuals. I will provide my clients with a safe and comfortable environment and  I build a good & strong therapeutic relationship based on unconditional positive regard, authenticity & empathy.

I have many different approaches and methods.I am flexible & select from a wide range of different theories and practices when devising treatment plans to best suit the needs of each individual client. My interest in Hypnotherapy and Counselling stems from my own personal (and highly successful) experience.

Hypnotherapy can help with a variety of lifestyle problems and issues, including: Giving up smoking, Weight control (weight loss hypnotherapy), Hypnosis in Childbirth, Habits, Phobias, Sleeping disorders, Anxiety, Stress Management, Public speaking, Self confidence and more – please contact me for an informal discussion about your hypnotherapy needs.

A free 10 minute telephone consultation is offered prior to the sessions to ensure that it is right for your requirements. 

 Clearview Therapies, providing Therapeutic Services Since 1989

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The National Counselling Society
Hypnotherapy Society
The National Society of Hypnosis, Psychotherapy & Mindfulness